Qatar Network
We are pleased to advise the DATE of our next gathering/lunch to discuss arbitration in the Gulf region and related issues, as set out below. We will be in Qatar this time!
Date: 27 February 2016
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Venue: A hotel (TBD) in Doha City
The gathering/lunch will include professionals based in Qatar, as well of course, from UAE and other GCC and Arab Countries. In order to allow us to make the booking arrangements, please confirm your intention to attend on or before 4 February 2016.
Kindly note that the lunch, your hotel room, air ticket and other travel costs will be at your own cost and responsibility.
Our expectation is this will be an exciting gathering. Hope you can make it!
Pleas RSVP to:
The Arab and International Arbitrators Network represents a community of friends/arbitrators from all cultures (Arab and International), all are known in the field of international commercial arbitration where they meet every few months (usually 4-6 months) to share their ideas about developing arbitration in the Arab Countries.
The AIA Gatherings have become one of the main arbitration events in the UAE and the rejoin.
It provides for the AIA members the chance to exchange views about several matters relating to arbitration and to make suggestions on how to improve the activities of the AIA community