The legislation governing international arbitration in Oman is the Omani Law of Arbitration in Civil and Commercial Disputes was issued by decree No. 47/1997 (amended by Royal Decree 3/2007), which is manly based on the UNCITRAL Model Law.
The law distinguishes in Article (1) between national and international arbitration based on the relation of the subject matter to international trade” (OAL Article 1). The law also states in Article (3) that it governs between parties who are persons of public or private law, regardless of the nature of the legal relationship” (OAL Article 3). Furthermore, in Article (3).(1) arbitration is considered international if it was conducted under the rules of institutional arbitration even in the case that the institution is a domestic institution and the arbitral proceedings take place inside the country.
Under Omani law, the parties to a dispute are free to determine the applicable rules and procedures. If a party fails to comply with the agreed procedures, the Omani courts have powers to take any necessary actions on their behalf.
Date of accession: 25 February 1999.
Entry into force for: 26 May 1999.